購物第一站 > 婦幼/圖書/玩具/樂器 > 文具 > BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結



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BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結

建議售價 2620元 特價 2620元
時尚點子無所不在 最別緻的飾品

BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結介紹

BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結

BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結


When should you wear a bow tie? The answer is always. Forever. The wooden bow tie is the easiest and freshest way to be different.
Choose the Buteo wooden bow tie made of meranti tree wood as well as the kooky and stylish pattern that has been carefully added to the wood with special laser technique.

某些特定的場合總是需要合適服裝與會,一套合宜西裝搭配一雙精美的皮鞋。優雅不見得等於無趣 - 而Buteo就是證明。這款木領結是由美麗的梅蘭蒂木製成,保存天然的本質,使用特殊雷射技術添加圖案,搭配黑色織物及方便可調節的彈性頸帶。您能想像它僅僅只有25公克嗎?輕盈到您根本不會感覺到他的存在!產品附有精美紙盒。

Certain events require certain dress codes, usually a suit and well-polished pair of shoes. Elegance doesn’t have to be boring – and the Buteo is the proof. This wooden bow tie was made out of beautiful meranti wood and crafted in such a way as to preserve the natural grain. The pattern was added using a special laser and finished with black fabric. An elastic and adjustable neck band was added for convenience. Did we already mention that it only weighs 25 grams? You won’t even notice it! The product comes in a beautifully designed and stable paper box.

BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結

“Don´t be into trends. Don´t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.” Gianni Versace

BEWOODEN - 捷克 手作木製 BUTEO領結

Woods and their smell, their unique structure and nobility. Our thoroughness, attention to detail and honest workmanship. We preserve the beauty of nature.

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尺寸12, 5x4, 5 公分